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lunes, septiembre 24, 2007

Minutos Musicales: Vive La Fete

aquí os presento el último disco de una banda realmente trasguesora por su estética y por sus ritmos alocados y que siempre están cantados en frances. Se fundó en 1997 (10 años de carrera musical) en Belgica y este que hoy os presento será su séptimo disco: Jour De Chance

A este grupo pudimos verlo en el festival Pura Vida 2006...veanse videos del evento:

Sus líderes son Danny Mommens y Els Pynoo.

Vive La Fête was founded in 1997 when Mommens (then still playing in his former band dEUS) recorded a few demos with Pynoo on his 8-track recorder. These demos were released on the EP Je ne veux pas (sometimes also referred to as Paris) which gathered some attention because of its reminisce of Eighties music. Their first success came with their debut Attaque Surprise (2000). Later records such as Republique Populaire (2001) and Nuit Blanche (2003) made them popular, especially in the fashion world, where Karl Lagerfeld is one of their fans.[1][2] In 2005 they released `GRAND PRIX` and toured all over Europe and played some shows in Brazil and Mexico.

Grupo: Vive La Fete (Viva la Fiesta)
Disco: Jour De Chance
Año: 2007
Web oficial: http://www.vivelafete.net/
Canciones destacadas: La Route, Tout Fou y Je Suis Fachee

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